Vertiport Geographical Analysis

Draw optimum sites for vertiports with location analysis to provide user convenience and safe take-off & landing of UAM

  • Analyze law·policy·licenses of vertiports with UAM special law
  • Calculate the scale of vertiports through on demand analysis
  • Establish phased location analysis and criteria regarding local situation
  • Select optimal site and analyze using GIS professional analysis tool

Systematize vertiport site analysis process with 
data-based professional tools

Implement phased analysis process 
reflecting regional conditions

Contribute to UAM safe operation 
by optimizing vertiport locations

Tel : +82) 32-831-0910

Fax : +82) 32-831-0970

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Address: Room#531, IIACI Building, 36 Gaetbeol-ro, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon, Republic of Korea